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Security Agreement

Security Agreement - Create it Here

Internet Posting: You can do one of two things: 1) Submit your own security agreement/indemnity bond that you have written in the window box provided at the bottom of the form below OR 2) have these 2 documents generated for you when you provide your information in the boxes provided in the form below. Whether you choose '1' or '2' you will have the option to change and update your security agreement anytime.

Check the 'USE Policy" on the right. This security agreement is designed to be referenced from within your UCC-1 or/and your PPSA (Canada) filing as without it the UCC-1 claim has no contract to validate the UCC-1 claim.[ Sample Contract - copy and past link into your browser window]

The Security Agreement/indemnity bond establishes a contract with your strawman and indemnifies or protects you the creditor - the flesh and blood human being. You need it to validate your UCC-1 and or PPSA (Canada) filing in which by making a claim against it you establish yourself as the executive part of an aggregate corporation and thus remove yourself from liability.

The security agreement establishes the strawman as a transmitting or flow through utility through which you interface with the world of commerce. Read the sections on the strawman and the definitions of a sole corporation and aggregate corporation for a more thorough explanation on other pages of this site.

The information submitted below will generate a checklist of items that will be emailed to you should you wish to create your own security agreement OR alternatively based on your information submitted, a personalized security agreement/indemnity bond will be created and your UCC-1 filing will be made on your behalf in an UCC filing office where it will be accepted. Proper reference to your security agreement and indemnity bond will noted accordingly in the UCC-1 filing.

The final result will be a UCC-1 filing, establishing you officially as a Creditor to your Debtor. You will receive a pdf copy of your UCC-1 filing for your records and a combined security agreement/ indeminity bond/power of attourney document in pdf format. All you have to do is print out the documents on good quality paper and then get it professionally witnessed or verified by friends to complete the process.

Note: as an incentive to do both the Copy-right Notice and Security Agreement documents. The second document will be one half the cost of doing only one document. For Pricing See "Use Policy" [See Menu Tab in Side Margin]

S.A. Form
Step 1. Fill in your information as completely as possible All information is critical in creating your UCC-1 posting and your Commercial Security Agreement.
*Client First Name ie. Jennifer

*Client Middle Name(s) all names are required insert "none' for none
ie. Mary-Jane

*Last Name ie. Smith
(Area Code) Phone # for additional info
ie. 206-212-4567

*Email Address
please double check

*Current Street Address
ie. 5 Elm St. North Suite D-206
*Current City Residing
ie. Kent
ie. Washington
ie. United States

*Zip Code
1)*Full 'Birth' Name in CAPS
Birth Hospital Name i.e.: Grace General or Unknown
Place of Birth i.e. Seattle
*State/Province where Born: i.e.: Washington
Year of Birth i.e.: 1950
Month of Birth
i.e.: 06 for June
Day of Birth
Birth Certificate #
Social Security or Social Insurance #
2) Married or Current Full Name Upper & Lower Case i.e. Jennifer Mary Jane Smith
Current Full Name in UPPER Case i.e.: JENNIFER MARY JANE SMITH
STATE above where name was created or changed i.e.: Ohio
YEARabove name created or changed i.e.: 2005
Marriage Certificate # [or certification # of name change]
Current Initials i.e.: JMJS
Name Previous Marriage Once removed
Only if Applicable
3) Previous or Other Full NAME in Upper Case [if applicable] i.e.: JENNIFER MARY JANE WHITEHOUSE
STATE above name created or changed in i.e.: Nevada
YEAR name created/married in i.e.: 2001
Name Previous Marriage 2 times removed
Only if Applicable
4) Previous or Other Full NAME in UPPER Case[if applicable] i.e.: JENNIFER MARY JANE BROWN
STATE above name created or married in i.e.: Nevada
YEAR name created/married in i.e.: 2001
Name Other Debtors
Include Under Age Children
5) ADDITIONAL OPTION: Other NAME(s) or Dependents/Debtors, if you wish to include others under age [NAME YEAR,] i.e.: SARAH CHERYL BROWN 2002, FRANK SAM SMITH 2005
UCC Filing Info
Required if Filed
6) UCC filing date if known i.e.: 30th day of April, 2006

UCC filing number if known

UCC filing STATE if known
PPSA Filing Info
Canadians if Filed
7) PPSA (CANADA) filing date i.e.: 30th day of April, 2006
PPSA filing number
PPSA filing Province
Security Agreement Info
Required ONLY if existing
8) Security Agreement Filing #: (initials-Birth Date ) i.e.: JMJS19500101
Security Agreement Date i.e.: 30th day of April, 2006
9) Indemnity Bond # (initials-date-of-creation-IB01)ie: JMJS20060430-IB01
Required - All State Licensed Activity
10) Drivers License #
Driver Licensed STATE
11) Professional State or Other License i.e.: Nursing License # 7689038
12) Other Additional License i.e.: Deer Hunting License # 20076
13) Other Additional Licenses i.e.: Guide License # 5444892H
PASS Ports
Required ONLY if existing
14) Passport - Country #1
Passport #
15) Passport - Country #2
Passport #
16) Passport - Country #3
Passport #
17) Other licenses or Property
Required: Boats, Planes,Rec. Vehicles, any Property of value worth noting
11) List Car(s), Make, Model, Year VIN # i.e.. Honda Civic D64567829, Ford Truck Tacoma RL489890383
12) Legal Description of Property, i.e.: Lot 1 (1), Block Three (3), Holy Grounds Subdivision located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Section 1, Township 2, Range 10 West, Spirit County, State of Florida, according to the recorded Plat and survey file document 777, Book 7, Page 77 in the Spirit County Recorder's Office
13) Other Noteworthy Property i.e.: Leonardo Ci Vinci Painting Mona Lisa
14) Other
15) Other

Step 2 . After hitting SEND below, immediately an email will be sent to verify your email address. Make sure you click the confirmation link inside that email once you receive it.

Subsequently you will be sent another email. In it will be instructions on how to proceed. Tomorrow you will be sent a 2nd informational email complimenting the first.

If you don't receive your email reply there is something wrong with the email address you submitted. Use another or try again.

Before you hit send double check your email address to avoid resubmitting. Use the box below for any notes or questions. If there is an error backspace using your browser to avoid having to retype your info.