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Security Agreement, Copyright Public Notice, UCC Filing Questions & Answers in 2011*

(See Also 2007*; 2008*; 2009; 2010; 2011* 2012* 2013* 2014*)

These questions are in no particular order - but may reflect some of your concerns and answers to same.

Re the UCCC1 Do I use use 1a or 1b for the Creditor

Q: Hi Les, I'm plowing through your material trying to come up with the best way to fill out these UCC forms for my State of NY and based on the NYS website definitions of sections 1a and 1b below, it seems to me that there is 1a is more appropriate for the Strawman all caps name than 1b but you seem to be leaning towards putting the Strawman's name in 1b is that still the case for NY State based on their definitions.

R: This is good - means you are thinking and not blindly copying the sample UCC1 sample documents in the back office for your State.

Question for you: Re 1a who is the owner of the straw man? If we were to ask that of your other COMPANY XYZ the answer would be your LEGAL NAME.  Who then is the OWNER of your LEGAL NAME? There is no comparable to your LEGAL NAME in the UCC's narrow defination of OWNER (STRAW MAN) as they do not make the distinction nor recognize that the human being is seperate from the STRAWMAN name.  [We may surmise that the STATE is the legal owner of the STRAW MAN since they created it and that we are not the LEGAL ENTITY but the system does not recognize that as being an appropiate response within the UCC registry.]

For example. lets say you put your name in 1a - the section reserved for Organizations as apposed to that reserved for PERSONS. Then when someone types your name in the UCC search are they going to search the database under Organization or Person?

If they subsequently cannot find any prior registration under the STRAW MAN name then you have not perfected your claim because it is not searchable in the records.  If you can't find it it means it does not exist. By over thinking this you have effectively sabatoged yourself. To fit a round peg in a square hole simply does not work - you have to work the system the way the system works. If you think of the system as a dumb mechanical machine it will serve you better. In nature you do not paddle a canoe upstream. Dealing with artificial man made systems, universal rules still apply - which is the beauty of it - you have to go with the flow in order to get where you want to go. Trying to make the system do something its not designed to do is only an exercise in futility.

If you look at the sample documents you will see how I used to do it under 1a  "FIRST SECOND LASTNAME organization/ tradename/ trade mark" . Now if then subsequently did a search for the name "FIRST SECOND LAST" you would never find it unless it was exactly typed in as it is in quotes. So by defination the claim is not perfected as it is not findable.

In STATE X an organization is clearly defined as more than one party - you can probably think of the STRAW MAN as more than one since you have multiple STRAW MEN acting in various capacities ie the BANK ACCOUNT HOLDER, THE DRIVER, etc but in the 'normal' sense there is only one STRAWMAN so by defination the STRAW MAN is not an organization. I don't think STATE NY's definitation is totally out of sync with STATE X's.


Missing Links

Question: Hi Les, I'm potentially interested in the service below but the link is broken, can you e mail me a sample? thank you

      Includes UCC-1 filing, personalised security agreement, indemnity bond, pdf printable file for notary, references to UUC-1 and (or PPSA for Canadians). Includes as a bonus Copyright Posting as above.

A: Try this:
Thanks for drawing that to my attention. In transferring my site to a new server there are a few loose ends I am not aware of. The above will give you various samples of the public notice. The SA along with the Power of Attorney, and the Indemnity Bond is an additional 18-20 pages for your private recoirds only. - Les.


Q: Thanks Les, that link worked, I've been reviewing the available documentation on the subject of redemption/strawman etc including all the materials on your very informative website and even though I'm naturally skeptical it's just hard to believe such a hoax has been foisted on the men and women of America, it really seems like B Science Fiction Movie melded with a far darker version of Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz. It's just mind boggling-

A: It is.

Personally you can take this position to simplify things by bringing it all under your own control by only coming from the position of what you know yourself:

"I do not know whether any of what I read is true or not [afterall it is all third party evidence]". Therefor whether there are adhension contracts out there or not and/or if the legal entity is really a seperate entity or not let me then take a position to cover all possibilities".
1- Redefine your relationship to your legal name supplanting any contracts that may be in existence out there by creating the SA (Security Agreement). That in itself creates a seperation from the legal name as afterall a contract as a minimum requires 2 parties.
2. In the SA assert you are the one who creates all value in the name of the legal entity and therefore since it has not compensated you or paid you back it is your DEBTOR and you are its CREDITOR. Get it to agree, and agree that you will act as its administrator as it cannot do anything by itself and in exchange have the use of all its stuff. Drive its car as its CEO and live in its house ...
3. Establish the SA contract in the public records by a): getting a human to witness the signing of the contract who is also recognized by government [otherwise known  as a notary and so you bridge the realms of common law and legislative law with your paperwork now being something Government can recognize] and by  b) File a UCC1 with the Secretary of State or its equilivent thereby establishing you on record as the CREDITOR (based on your Security Agreement/contract you have with the legal entity).
4. Now asert your position publically by putting it out there for any one to contest by posting the Public Notice. Failing any one coming forth you have now verified what you believe to be true by asserting it and opening it up to be challenged. If your assersion holds up as unchallenged then it is reasonable to assert it is true failing any other parties coming forth to contest you position having had the full opporunity to do so.

Now life becomes interesting because now you have options you never had before and have uncontested documentation to back up your belief system that you are a sovereign human being without subjects on the land and are therefore not bound by any contracts that you have no knowledge of nor have agreed to.

That is a simplistic rendition of what we are doing with the 3 part process. - Les.

Your Relationship to the Strawman:

Question: I have been indirectly redirected to your email address when i was surfing on the net with a question in mind.
If you have the time and are willing to answer i would be very please and grateful to you ! The question is about the financing statement often refered to as the "UCC 1"...

The way i understand it, it is a public notice that you, as the living man, have a priority intrest in the assets of the Strawman.

That is almost very clear to me : The strawman having any credibility and its existence being allowed ultimately only by My Own Existence, i should be the one with absolute power over its assets and accounts et al.

But the Government produced and created the Birth Certificate and created my Social Insurance Number, not me.

So what is not clear to me is this :

Are they not the rightful rulers/owners of my person/strawman, since they are the ones that created IT ?

R: Yes and everything that is in its name your house, your car, your real estate, your bank account, your passport, your drivers license - everything you think you own, including your children.

Q: Am i not the trustee and them the beneficiary ?

R: No, in my understanding they are the executor of the trust for the beneficiary which is the human being whose name the trust bears.

Q: And where is the Trustor in all that ?

R: As above.

Q: After the famous financing statement, it makes it impossible for the borrower to dispose of the property unless he pays for its debts. Who is the borrower in that case ?

R: Not clear in your meaning -

Q: Is it us ? and is the property the stawman ?, doesnt that means that until we PAY our debt, we wont ever be able to dispose of the strawman ?

R: The debtor or the 'borrower" to use your term is the "strawman" because it is you who has given value to everything it has and since you give it everything, as everything is in its name and since it has not given you anything in return it therefor owes you - it is your debtor and you are its creditor.

Q: that would mean that doing a financing statement in this way will make the strawman and its natural counter-part (Us) inseparable ? Right ?

R: It is my assertion this it is the security agreement which precedes the financing statement - you cannot file a financing statement unless there is a contract in place. The contract or SA - redefines your relationship to the strawman and is acknowledgement that you are the creditor and that it gives you permission to file a financing statement putting you on record as its creditor.

Q: Because the strawman was created by the Government (so they are the lendor), not me, and then they handed it down to us (we are the borrower) ?

R: Yes the strawman is created by the State, however any value the strawman has is created by you. Therefore if you seperate yourself from it throught the Security agreement then the Strawman [aka the State] owes you.

Q: i am lost, please shed light on the matter !

R: I hope the above clarifies it for you.

The Public Notice: Our Responsibility and Due Diligence Regarding Trespass:

Q: How are you doing I was wondering do you have any case sighting or information on defaulting individuals who violate my copy written name?

A: Think of it this way, lets say you have a farm and people short cut through your field to get to the beach to the point you can not grow anything on the path. I ask you whose fault is it, if you do not point it out to them [notice them] and act appropiately to assert your position in regard to your property?

The answer is yours of course.

First Notice:
Now let say you tell them by  posting a notice [Do not trespass - $200 FINE ] and they continue to trespass - then whose fault is that?

The answer is yours of course because they are not
taking you seriously and why should they if they were
always able to do it before? One thing people do not realize is that we are responsible for our communications. If they do not get it, it is 'our fault'.

People are creatures of habit and have a tendency not to pay attention if its to their advantage. Life is simple that way particularily if it is your gain at some one else's expense.

Second Notice: Lets say you then speak to them individually as the policy enforcer [aka police force] This time maybe they really did not notice, so you not wanting to be the bad guy here give them the
benefit of the doubt.

Third Notice: But lets say they then blatently ignore your public notice a third time again, now then whose fault is that?

This time they cannot say they were not properly noticed and so they are now wholly responsible for the consequence of their actions. Now you are fully justified to take action against them in accordance to the terms and conditions as is posted on your sign.

So to answer your question, I ask you, "Whose responsibility is it to notice if people are trespassing on your territory"? The answer of course is you. It begs other questions, such as: "So what are you doing about it? Are you doing your due diligence to protect the farm, your livihood, your sense of well being, your emotional and mental health"?

To introduce another analogy, "Are you pulling the weeds out of your garden or are you letting the weeds take over". Its like exercise, no body can do or will do this for you, you have to keep due diligence and do what you have to do, to respect yourself by standing up for your self and not letting people walk all over you. In my humble opinion, we all have a long way to go when it comes to taking full 'response' ability for our selves and our situation.

A Public Notice is a Public Notice

Q: Hi Les I have a quick question. My public notice link online is unsigned, un/notarized, what purpose does this serve if I post the link in a newspaper ad?? Just so you know, some of my questions will be Idiotic, but promise I wont ask the same one twice, (then Im stupid) and I will keep them to a minimum, god knows you must be up to your eyeballs with this stuff.

A: No question is a stupid question the owness is on
you to understand what is there. If you don't know,
then there is a reason to know. There should be a
qualifying statement saying something to the effect.
Please verify with Debtor that the following reflects
the content on the signed document. What we have on line
is a facsimile, it can never be the original document
even if it was scanned with signatures. In this sense it
is an acting public notice that can be verified should
any clause be modified or changed. If that qualifier is
not there let me know, its right at the top.

Purpose of the Security Agreement and Public Notice

Q: Thanks for the quick response, we've had the docs notarized. Should the S.A. have endorsement from both the artificial entity and natural person?

A: Yes as they are both parties to a contract. The SA
as I have it is a collection of interrelated seperate
contracts some of which can stand on thier own.
1) The first part is the agreement - requires 2
signatories minimum
2) The attachment A is a generalized statement of
3) The attachment B is a specific statement of collateral.
Whether A & B should be signed by both parties is
debatable if it is part of the total documentation - I
provide for 2 signatories minimum I would think that
the notary would of had you initial and date all sheets
not signed. Erroring on the side of overkill I added
signatory sections here and in A.
4) The Indemnity Bond is a contract - requires 2
signatures minimum
5) The Power of Attorney is a contract requires 2
signatures minimum 4 & 5 are contracts that can stand
on their own.
6) The Definations hang things together where it may
not be clear such as the definition of a person and who
is the Debtor. Commentary as for A & B above applies
here as well.
The UCC1 is a public notice by the Creditor of his status
in relationship to the Debtor based on a contract [the
SA]. Its validity comes from the reference to the SA by
its unique identification number.
The Public Notice is an Affirmation or Claim or
Affidavit by the Creditor put into the Public to see if
it will be contested. If its not, who ever has a claim
or interest has defaulted or relinguished same if they
do not come forth having the opportunity to do so. It
borrows from the authority of the Secretary of State by
making reference to the UCC1 file number but can stand
on its own without it in commonlaw. With it, it may
have more legal clout in a court of law. This document
bridges both jurisdictions by involving a notary as
does the SA. It Requires 1 signature.
The above in my humble opinion is your criteria on how
to view these documents. Satisfy to your self that it
does and if it does not then change it and I will do my
best to accomodate you.


Our intention is:
1) to identify seperate parties - that act is your
unlinking from any adhension contracts with the Strawman
for which you are liable ( are surety for ).
2) to identify the collateral or assets in the
Strawmans name to which it is is agreeing that it
3) to have Strawman's permission to lien it and
4) to use an indemnity bond to protect yourself from
the Strawman's creditors.
I hope that clarifies the root of the issues. If you
are happy with it, go with it if you feel strongly
enought to change it - we change it. Life is simple if
our intentions and criteria are clear. :-).

What's Next?

Q: No objections with draft document.. please complete
the documents. So I understand properly , once the
documents are signed and witnessed on my end..what is
the status? I still need to send the copies to you for
filing in the UCC office as we discussed correct?
then after that is processed I then can follow that
same procedure in the home state of the corp. NY
correct ... thanks for following up again les'
A: No not at all:

1) we have an agreement between two parties you and
your straw man.

2) On the basis of that contract we file your newly
attained status as creditor in an UCC office, now it is
on record and date stamped by a recognized authority.
3) We reference that UCC office and date in a Public
notice claiming the right of use of the legal FULL CAPS
NAME since it is a derivative of your given and family
We do this to see if any other interested party
[the STATE] has a problem with this as it gives them an
"opportunity to correct the fault' if any. If they fail
to protect their interests having had full opportunity
then you are free and clear in regard to your claims.
My role assists you in achieving 1, 2 and partially 3
by posting the Copyright-name Public Notice online -
your role should you decide to fulfill it is to post it
in a community newspaper and to tidy things up follow
up with a public notice via a UCC1 filing in your
State, your Birth State and at the county level where
ever you have property if any.
I have documentation for you to view as samples to
guide you though that process which I will give you
access to once I complete my end. After that there is
no need to submit any of that documentation to me since
you have then already gone through the exercise of
notifying the public of your status.
You may want visual representations of the notarized
copyright Public Notice posted on line. Some people
send me the scanned documents to replace the signed
version, but a notice is a notice signed or unsigned -
if you wish me the scanned version of the signed
documents I will acommodate you,
Some people like to add other seperate documents online
such as "Claim of Right", " Affidavit of Understanding"
etc. but that is an entirely separate exercise from
what we are doing here and totally at your discretion.

I want to post a Public Notice

Q: I want to post a public notice but not sure how to proceed.

Basically you have three choices. If you want me to create your documents then I need a minumum chanrge to compensate me for my time. So if I customize a copyright notice for you then the posting will be for 5 years  [5x $20/yr].  Then fill in the the Copyright Notice form here:


Normally people do the Security Agreement as well as it is a pre-requisite for a UCC1 filing, the registration # of which is referenced in the copyright public notice for added credibility. If you have all that in place and have already written your copyright notice than it makes sense to use the $25 option. See Option 2 below:


If you submitted you own content here without my input then the posting is $25 for one year. You can copy and paste into the form here or send me a pdf. If you want to have it up for 5 years use option one and save $25.


This is the third option - most people when they click the payment button chose the $200 option as this includes the Security Agreement [SA], A Power of Attorney and an Indemnify Bond along with the Public Notice as well. Oh, I almost forgot with the SA I also include a complimentary UCC1 filing.

I hope that clarifies things - I just introduced the $25 option recently so there may be some confusion. It was intended to give people an easy way to get documents into the public domain. Anything published on this site is virtually guaranteed to be indexed in the search engines within 7-14 days as that is how often this site is reindexed by Google. So the bottom line is if anyone is going to do a search for your name in the public domain they will find you here.

Disclaimer: All the above is in my own personal opinion
as is all information I provide and as I am not
authorized to practice law or to give legal advice in
your jurisdiction it is your responsibility to verify same
with competent legal authorities.