I want to post a Public Notice
Q: I want to post a public notice but not sure how to proceed.
Basically you have three choices. If you want me to create your documents then I need a minumum chanrge to compensate me for my time. So if I customize a copyright notice for you then the posting will be for 5 years [5x $20/yr] [Check Current Pricing]. Then fill in the the Copyright Notice form here:
1: http://www.copyright-name.com/Copyright-Notice-Post-it-Here.htm
Normally people do the Security Agreement as well as it is a pre-requisite for a UCC1 filing, the registration # of which is referenced in the copyright public notice for added credibility. If you have all that in place and have already written your copyright notice than it makes sense to use the $25 option.[Check Current Pricing] See Option 2 below:
2: http://www.copyright-name.com/Post-Public-Notice.htm
If you submitted you own content here without my input then the posting is $25 for one year. You can copy and paste into the form here or send me a pdf. If you want to have it up for 5 years use option one and save $25 [Check Current Pricing].
3: http://www.copyright-name.com/Security-Agreement-Post-it-Here.htm
This is the third option – most people when they click the payment button chose the $200 option [Check Current Pricing] as this includes the Security Agreement [SA], A Power of Attorney and an Indemnify Bond along with the Public Notice as well. Oh, I almost forgot with the SA I also include a complimentary UCC1 filing.
I hope that clarifies things – I just introduced the $25 option recently [Check Current Pricing] so there may be some confusion. It was intended to give people an easy way to get documents into the public domain. Anything published on this site is virtually guaranteed to be indexed in the search engines within 7-14 days as that is how often this site is reindexed by Google. So the bottom line is if anyone is going to do a search for your name in the public domain they will find you here.