Custom Public Notice, Security Agreement, Indemnity Bond and Power of Attorney and Complimentary UCC Filing:
Note the Common Law Copyright Public Notice is just 1 of the 4 main documents included here. Most importantly the Security Agreement redefines your relationship to the legal name by making it your debtor and you it’s creditor. Simply put since you created all the value attributed to its name and since it gave you nothing of value in return this makes you it’s creditor.
This process separates you from the legal name which was created and is controlled by the State and all the obligations associated with it’s creation. To make these facts public, we post a common law public notice proclaiming our status and the right of excusive use of the Legal Entity. And to give it added credibility we register it with the UCC office of the Secretary Of State where claims against debtors are listed in a commercial registry.
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Fill in your contact information below carefully. This is just to get started. Subsequented you will be invited to a private encrypted site where we will use additional information to form the first draft of a 20 page document.
Feel free to just ask a question and there is no need to fill all the blanks just use what is applicable and or use the box at the bottom of this form – at a minimum you will need to fill in the first three blanks below for the form to work.
This is a viable alternative to posting public notices in your local newspaper which with full text can be cost prohibitive. If you wish to get the best of both worlds simply post a small print ad making direct link to your unique Internet posted address copyright-name [see sample]
Hitting submit will bring you to the payment page if your submission was successful. Use the box aove if you wish to ask questions just make sure you put a minimum of your name and email address for the form to function. Thanks.
If you are not contacted within 48 hours email me direct at If you question the validity of the copyright notice then why did this famous person post his in 1964
FYI Re: UCC Filings & PPSA additional information
In addition to your controlling the use of your name by making a public posting here, you may wish also to do a UCC-1 filing. It should be noted that the UCC1 has provision in it to cover virtually all countries in the world – there may be some exceptions but I am not aware of them.
Please note if you filed a UCC1 in the past it may no longer be valid as provisions have changed. Read below:
US & CANADA: Debtor-Creditor definitions in section 9 of the PPSA following new definitions in the UCC in the US are now allowing banks to use your assets as collateral for all credit card agreements, loans and mortgages. They may no longer have to go to the courts to get direct access to your property if you default in payment. This makes this process even more important – you definitely want to be the first creditor in line to your straw man. You should also be aware that there are rumors that new UCC filings will more difficult to achieve in the near future.
Furthermore new trust legislation in UTC states mean your assets cannot be protected with State Trusts and that many family trusts are in serious jeopardy.
If you need assistance in the UCC filing and getting the proper paperwork etc. feel free to ask questions by email directly. More information can be found on site and in the Q & A Section. Hopefully this is helpful.