Copyrighting Your Name

by | May 7, 2024 | 2014, Q&A | 0 comments

Re Copyrighting the Name
Q: I had done my own recording and “redemption” process…buthad been advised you can not copyright the “NAME”…  I didn’t read close enough..but I see now that you said the same thing…. I now comprehend that in essence we are contracting with the “NAME”…  for the use of as this is the transmitting utility.

It would have no energy if not for our signatures …. so I wouldthink logically we could contract the use and  there for copyright the use of the fiction and trademark.

When I did my own process following instructions from someone else…. It always seemed like enforcement via copyright infringement was missing?????

R: Bottom line of all this is in my humble opinion the courts/legal system can only deal with the fiction that they create. We use it inside their system as a vehicle in commerce as a matter of necessity.

Naturally they won’t allow anyone else to ‘copyright’ what they created. The commonlaw copyright public notice in my humble opinion is just, a public notice, claiming the right of use of the fiction on the basis it is a derivative of the family and given names.
Its a question of who came first you or the name. The public notice makes this claim of right and should it not be contested giving others the opportunity to do so for a reasonable period of time, then you can reasonably assert that your public notice stands as truth. That is the whole point of that exercise as from then on you can assert the same.
That’s all I can say, making a legal opinion of the documents you have given me is a line I cannot cross. If you wish I can recreate the original public notice or use new current information to create a new one picking up from/honouring what was started before.
As far as the ucc filing where you have on record personal information[an absolute no no] you can cancel it and therein remove it out of the system. As long as it is in there you are exposed as there is is enough information there for anyone to commit identity theft. Remove it immediately. Les.

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