Do I File All 3 Documents with My State?

by | Apr 22, 2008 | 2008, Q&A | 0 comments

Q: I’ve been directed to our states web-site for filing instructions so, I’ve been holding off until I complete the copyright process. Should I file all 3 or can I send in the UCC/SA followed by the copyright?

A: The SA is a private agreement between you and the strawman. Only make reference to it by its identification number but keep your own personal information private for your eyes only. That information in the wrong hands can lead to identity theft so definitely do not put it where someone through a search on your legal name can easily find it. What you want them to find is the public notice claiming not the ownership but the exclusive right of use of your legal name.

The copyright notice more correctly is merely a public notice with an self-executing agreement. Like a trespassing sign you place it where it will be noticed if someone is looking to attack or violate your property.

The UCC1 lien is a public registration of a claim you have against the strawman since everything you created is in its name. The copyright notice includes a reference to it and the SA to substantiate its validly. Its all you need use publicly unless your state determines otherwise ( then you must decide what you
wish to do).

To file in Nevada I suggest you use the generic forms on my site (look under “sitemap” untill you find it). Fill it in and get a notary to create a certified copy and send that one in keeping the original. That way should they change anything – you have a record of the original and your intention as recorded. I can send you a suggested way to fill it out as a guide line just ask me – you will need to use 2 forms to complete the process. Think of the UCC1 I filed for you as a general filing and the paper filing in your State as more specific.

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