Q: The number I used off my birth certificate was a red
number in the lower left hand corner. Is this correct?
Other than that I believe everything is correct on the
information I filled out.
Q: Hi Les, I could not find a spot to fill in my
employment pay on the form. Have I done something
wrong or where should I find it? Also, the number I
used off my birth certificate was a red number in the
lower left hand corner. Is this correct? Other than
that I believe everything is correct on the information
I filled out.
A: The red number if that is all there is - is all we
can use to reference it. Typically the printed red number is
your bond number
Anything greater than $1000 in value can be listed
under the last section in the security agreement before
the indemnity bond. As for pay - I would work on the
assumption that would go into deposit at your bank [I
am not suggesting that you give me that bank account
information as I would rather you complete that type of
information by hand after I complete the final
version]. Outside of that it is covered by general