How do I get some thing for nothing?

by | May 7, 2024 | 2008, Q&A | 0 comments

Q: While I wait for my Credit Card, what other ways can
I obtain money/credit via my new status.? I heard
something like bonding a statute and then claiming any
money made on it.
Really, what I need is money, without getting a job,
but by using the common law and their law to legally
get money/credit or w/e its called.
A: The reply here may be a little heavy - forgive me I
don't want to burst any bubbles but in my humble
opinion I think you are on the wrong track and getting
involved for the wrong reasons. Hey but I could be
wrong so do cut me some slack and let this old lion
spout out on a 'real' tangent. If I connect let me
know, if I don't let me know - Deal?
Now IF you are expecting something for nothing I am
afraid I am not into that. I do believe however that
you as a creator should by rights keep whatever you
create. The problem is that by hook or by crook we
usually end up not being able to keep what we create.
This is the system whereby you get someone with his
fingers caught with $50B out of the cookie jar and is
granted bail while someone breaking a window to eat
some food they don't have are treated totally
differently if you have been listening to the recent
IF you are looking at this as an easy way of getting
money for nothing I would put you in the latter
category. This is not what sovereignty is all about in
my opinion - it is about putting a stop to that type
kind of practice as that is the burden people bear who
otherwise would be unencumbered - a free people - as
someone else always has to pay for those kind of gross
wealth discrepancies of magnitude - this is why the
whole economy is going downhill faster than you can
imagine - simply because of that kind of thinking.
Common sense will tell you that you cannot get
something for nothing. You as a creator 'create' value.
Case in point re inequalities in orders of magnitude:
There are 3 banks that hold 5x the gross annual
national product of the whole globe. Effectively they
created it by doing nothing to earn it other than by
sleight of hand - a legal mechanism that creates money
in their bank accounts in orders of magnitude greater
than yours and mine. To make a long story short this
mechanism based on mathematical models and gaming
theory was so successful that the basis upon which it
maintained larger and larger value became further and
further removed from reality so much so that it could
not be sustained any longer, as every one intuitively
sensed something was rotten in Denmark but nobody
wanted to spoil the party.
To substantiate and give substance to more and more
perceived value driven by a greed mechanism fewer and
fewer were willing to pay the sham value to the point
that the perceived perception of value dropped when the
bluff was called to less than 50 cents on the dollar -
this is what forced banks to go begging to governments
to underwrite, that is give substance to, this
perceived value. The problem is that the amount that
has to underwrote is so substantial it is not
physically possible. 3 trillion spend by governments is
just a drop in the bucket of empty debt. What we are
witnessing currently is a melt down from the top down
to the detriment of all of us. I would focus on that
as we will be lucky to pull out of it - the depression
of the 1930's will be a cakewalk compared to what we
are facing just because some clever folks thought they
can get something for nothing. Simply put you can build
a house made of paper only so high before it collapses
due to universal laws. So forget about creating paper
wealth those days are history.
Here is a primer that will explain the situation - its
all about derivatives and just as your legal name is
propositioned to pretend to be you but really isn't so
do derivatives appear to represent real value when they
don't. You will see what I mean here
Having said that if someone is profiting from
hypothesizing your future potential income - well that
by rights should belong to you and that may be a
different story should things not be what they are.
However that idea in itself is a fiction and we all
know what fiction is - something we make up that has
nothing to do with the real world.
The current system is based on 'perception' you accept
someone for value but you do it by mutual agreement but
if it not based on anything that exists then it is
nothing but illusion which is okay up to a point. For
example you and I could agree that you are superman but
lets see you walk off a high story building - universal
principles somewhere along the line always kick in.
Sorry $ signs in your eyes will only get you into
trouble and not get us out of the current mess we are
already in and we are in it really deep - IF this
system breaks further down to the point where there
will not be public services, you will be lucky to
simply survive.
If you want to have a good life you are going to have
to understand and provide leadership in how we can
salvage what we still have once this all shakes out and
then build on a new paradigm more in keeping with
universal laws not fictitious ones. Learn about micro-
currencies, what money really is and be prepared to
salvage the community you live in by understanding that
wealth is really we 'all and health of the individual
is he 'all - one is critical to the other and you will
really understand what true value really is - it is us
- the individual creative mind - you as a true wealth
creator. Believe it! :-).


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