Q: The highlighting of my name throughout I am not sure about either. Posting online that may not be an issue. I am not sure in the Legal sense. Thanks again
R: Sorry can not guess at what you are saying. “Common law” is not legal and more than you and I can agree I am superman which is a legal contract but the proof on whether that is in accordance to natural law is when I attempt to fly off the Empire State Building. Another analogy: if you cross in the street in the middle of a block that is “J walking” and likely illegal. If a cat does it, it is not. Legal only exists in the minds of men. If the cat gets hit by a car that is lawful but not legal as according to the laws of nature two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. You can not mix the concepts of lawful and legal together – you need to know where you are and why. I put on a raincoat like my legal name on when it is raining out as an utility. When I come into my home I take the raincoat off as it would be unnatural to keep it on. If you live in the legal box you deny yourself from living in the universe which exist outside of it. The indians think it is silly to put a fence around ones property when you have the whole universe to enjoy. I hope I am getting through – rephrase the question.
As a sovereign being you make your own rules as there is nothing between you and the creator. If want to change anything just say so and its done. For my purposes I bold the variables to make it easier for you and I to verify that they are correct (natural law of sight). ;-).