Q: i work long hours, just need info, price, what its
all about, I knew nothing of this?
A: Best to go to the main site and read
http://www.copyright-name.com Read to the bottom and click the links you find
there to give you an overall view and take you through the pages in the site.
I have two forms on the site - the main one is the security agreement - from that
Inputted information I create 3 documents - the whole idea is to separate yourself
from your legal name ( you came first, your name came second ) as distinct from
who you are, someone with a given name belonging to a family group known as.
One is obligated to contractual obligations to the State the other is not.
To create 2 documents, the security agreement and the public posting I charge
$200 or $100 separately [check current pricing]. With the security agreement -
I file what is called a UCC1 as a complimentary service to assist people getting
started on this path.
In the end you get 3 PDF’s and an Internet public posting establishing your claim regarding your new status which gives you certain advantages as now you become the creditor to your legal name and it becomes your DEBTOR.
Since the legal name was created by the State it therefore means that the STATE is now your debtor. That may be too much to absorb at one time but that is the gist of it. The history behind it and how this all got started is on the site.
Once you submit your information I tap you into further information but absorb what is on the site first. http://www.copyright-name.com