Birth Certificate Name is not in ALL CAPS
Q: hello les sorry to bother you again but I live in Canada and you mentioned my need to fill in the ppsa and ucc1 form thats fine but a very important question before i continue is on my birth certificate is is spelled like this John Louis Smith it is not in ALL CAPS what does this mean if anything to making my security agreement is it a printing mistake or something else and is it beificial to me or not anything on this would be greatly appreciated
A: I suspect then that you were not born in Canada is this right?
If so then you would have naturization papers that would take the place of the birth certificate, but most likely you have also a Social Insurance Number, a Bank Account, A driver’s license, those names will be in all caps, and therefore you would want to claim them all. As part of the security agreement I do file a complimentary UCC1 in the US and I do suggest you file where you live, where you have property and where you were born (unless of course you immigrated into Canada). Not sure if I am answering your question – let me know.
Q: No i was born in Canada and i have a Canadian birth certificate but all my other stuff like you said is in all caps but not my birth certificate is this good for any thing or does not really matter?
A: Interesting my wife’s birth certificate was done by a minister of the Church and also is not in caps – however she does pay taxes which means she is in the system. Basically all it means is that if they don’t get you one way they get you another. Each time it is in a different capacity for example you as a “registered driver”, a “passport holder”, a “credit card holder”, “a mortgage holder” etc, etc,
Effectively you operate as an artificial entity in each of these capacities. And because you act as such you are treated as such. Meaning you have no rights attributed to a human being and are at the descretion of whoever created the policy that artificial entity is operating under. Divorcing yourself from legal entity allows you to claim your natural rights back. In my opinion.
Q:Les. I found page 14 of the SA for the notary, on my UCC #2XXXXXXXXX74-03, on my CN it is missing the (-03), and on the secured party between the names there is ( – ) and a ( : ) is there reason for this?
A: The “-03” is an internal designation added by the UCC office – it only indicates that you were the third UCC submission that Sunday. If you do a UCC search on the UCC site the -03 does not enter into it.
The “John-Harry: Jones” designation of your name is how you distinguish yourself from the presumption you are the Strawman. This way, there is no way it can be misrepresented if you write your name in that format. Read it as John, Harry of the Jones family. Your identity as a human being truthfully derives from your parentage not the legal presumption that you operate as a legal entity. This presumption by the law of the State operates by default unless you distinguish yourself from it and declare otherwise. This what we do with the Security Agreement and the Public Notice. That’s my understanding.