What is your opinion of accepted for value and Treasury Direct Accounts?

by | May 7, 2024 | 2008, Q&A | 0 comments

Q: I want to express again how grateful I am to have
found you and had the opportunity to work with you. I
hope to have many more opportunities to discuss our
current life conditions with you. I would also like to
know how you gained your current level of experience as
I have just begun this long road to enlightenment and
You had previously mentioned six separate involvements
with groups who either claimed success or were
attempting to successfully access their own straw man
accounts (or their equivalent). Were most of them
simply "accepted for value" philosophies, or were they
more direct, as in "Treasury Direct" Accounts?
When you get a moment free, I'd appreciate any thoughts
you have on the subject. they might save me a lot of
fruitless time spent in pursuit of false leads, as both
the truth and a lot of bullshit abounds on the web.
A: The "Montana Freeman" supposedly tied into the
treasury account enough to be buying shopping malls and
the like. However they all ended up in jail why? Well
they stepped onto someone elses territory the Mafia.
All rumour I can't back any of that up and their sites
are all taken down. However you may try the wayback
machine and see if their sites are recorded there.
Q: I'm still trying to determine if anyone out there
has successfully taken financial control of their
accounts to do what bankers get to do all day. Issue
money based on my signature.
A: Look up the Lakota nation, and listen to the second
part of Irene's seminar under human rights in the blog
- the latter are moving towards setting a sovereign
bank it appears the Lakota have done it - not what you
are asking though. A group I was aware tried to do
something through their mortgages but got stopped when
they couldn't find a buyer for their paper, they came
close many times and when they had a deal a bigger bank
bought that bank out and killed the deal. Another doing
a similar thing in my opinion was a scam from beginning
to end and took peoples money but nothing materialized
from it. Another I bought into by buying gold that was
intended to set up banks to leverage the value of gold
100 times for shareholders while promising I am afraid
none of us will see our gold or our money again.
Personally I let other people be the guinea pigs if it
works out for them I will consider it, but wait a few
years as it may take that long for the authorities to
catch up with them. What was it that your mother said
about a free lunch?

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