Where and how often do I publish the copyright public notice?

by | May 7, 2024 | 2012, Q&A | 0 comments

Q: Lastly, does your service include PUBLIC NOTICE locations for advertisments?  If not, I will surely check around tomorrow for LEGAL NOTICES in various newspapers.  I understand the notice must be for four (4) weeks, one (1) day per week – correct?

R: Its best you locate a local newspaper that does public notices or announcements – shop around. All you need to say
is “Public Notice: All right reserved regarding the names of Mary Ellen Smith for full notice see http://copyright-name.com/Mary-Ellen-Smith” or some variation there of.

How often is typically coming from a position of common sense. The first notice people ignore or typically pay no attention. The second draws attention and the third if ignored is done willfully and with intent [and therefore incurs liability]. I like to look at it from a point of courtesy it is unlikely someone who has an interest in your property (your name) would not notice an announcement in the paper over a course of 4 weeks accounting for holidays and the like, the 4th posting is just a courtesy.  What we are doing is letting others know (the state) if they have an interest in the property that they better come forth or forever lose what claim they may have in my humble opinion.

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