Can You Explain How The Internet Postings and the Copyright Name Works?

by | May 7, 2024 | 2008, Q&A | 0 comments

Q:I got the documents. But, can you explain to me how
the internet posting of the copyright name works?

A: Great.Think of the Public Postings as if it was a
“no trespassing” sign which it is on your property. You
have one by the gate on your fence at the edge of your
property, one halfway to the door and one just before
the door. If anyone enters the gate accidentally or
carelessly they have been noticed once, if they go past
the midpoint they have been noticed twice and if they
continue to the door they are willfully disrespecting
your notice and if they are an official can not hide
under the protection of their office and are liable
personally for any penalties or consequences. As in
baseball, 3 strikes and they are out.

Similarly, I suggest you post a public notice in a
newspaper 3 times once a week and a 4th time for good
measure in your area where public notices are typically
posted ( as when someone dies and a notice is put out
to see if there are any creditor claims against the
estate). The intention is to see if your claim is
challenged by the government since they own the name,
you are only claiming the use of it since it is derived
from your given and family names. If no once comes
forth to dispute it then your notice stands as truth
uncontested as it has withstood the test of time. Keep
copies of the newpaper postings with the dates and if
not an original get it verified as a copy by a notary
[- its becomes part of your paper trial along with the
other documents you now have].

How you use the internet posting is to post one or two
lead-in lines and refer to your internet posting
link/url for more information. In addition any one
doing research on your name on the internet will come
come across it and be so notified.

If you are being hassled say by a credit card
application company (since every time you are solicited
it acts negatively on your credit rating) you can send
them the Public Notice by register mail (for proof that
they received it) and if they persist having been so
noticed you can bill them in accordance to the terms of
the self-executing agreement.

I hope that is helpful, although not legal advice that
is my understanding of one way that you can use this
effectively. -Les.

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