Q. Do you know some states don't want SSI #'s on the
A: Yes there is a definite risk of identity theft
however there are ways to minimize the risk. No one in
the past three years has had any issues with what I
have done that I am aware of.
Q. Do you know some states don't want SSI #'s on the
A: Yes there is a definite risk of identity theft
however there are ways to minimize the risk. No one in
the past three years has had any issues with what I
have done that I am aware of.
Pellentesque odio nisi, euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. Sed arcu. Cras consequat.
Q: Is the secured party part of a county or state or isthat something I conjure up? A: If you use my analogy of the...
Q: When I file the UCC for Pennsylvania, should Ifollow the same format as the one you filed for me inBlank? A: Not...
Q: The SA doesn't get filed with the Secretary ofState? A: Not if you can avoid it, like I did through ______, Imade...
Q: Can I write in extra things in the SA withblue/black ink like a bank accnt? A: Of course. What you add as...