Q: What are my options as far as how to go about
obtaining the credit in my DTA?
I'm still confused about the whole matter, I thought
through using credit cards and loans I could set off
the banks debt with my autograph in direct exchange for
the goods that I received by using the credit card
and/or loan?
If I don't get a credit card, what else can I do? Why
shouldn't I get a credit card?
A: There may very well be a way of doing what you are
suggesting but as I have no direct successful
experience with doing that, I really cannot comment. I
have however attempted to use the treasury account to
offset the debt for other reasons in relationship to
credit cards as I contested the credit card's legality
- all I can tell you is that I was never credited and
ended up having to settle up in court for 4x the amount
in one instance and out of court for somewhat lessor
amount in another instance. If I had to do it again I
wouldn't. Outside of that even though my credit rating
was very high I had difficulty in remortgaging my home
- they can be vindictive.