What and How Often do I post in the local newspaper?

by | May 7, 2024 | 2008, Q&A | 0 comments

Q: I downloaded my SA, UCC and copyright notice. They
look good, I don't see any errors so far. What
sentence/paragraph of copyright should I use to make
notice with in the local newspaper or does it matter
and should it run for once a week for four weeks or for
30 days straight?
A: It really does not matter as long as it is clear as
to what it is and refers back to your Internet posting,
it really depends on how much you want to spend. It
even could be really short, "Public Notice re: JOHN
http://john-richard-jones.copyright-name.com" Or you
may include the first paragraph of the public notice and add,
"full notice posted here:
http://john-richard-jones.copyright-name.com" Use
common sense. The short example you may decide may be
too brief, including all of the first paragraph may be
too long if it is expensive, certainly the whole thing
would be. Just be clear in stating what it is and refer
to the site posting for more information.

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