Q: Now, I need to place the notice in my local paper,
under the section that handles notices of estate sales,
etc. correct? I'll run it through this month.
A: Once a week four weeks - in a paper where government
makes their notices would probably be better since that
is who you wish to notice but notice of estates seems
fine to me again your judgement is as good as mine.
Q: I assume having it in my local paper is adequate
public exposure. Do I simply refer to the web site
listing, or how would you word the notification?
A: Your perspective is just as good as mine but
borrowing from the notice this is how I would do it.
PUBLIC NOTICE: ©John-Edward: Henry is not in the
capacity or character of a PERSON as defined by Statute
nor bound with any obligation, contract promise of any
kind, except by his or her prior written authorization.
By this notice be aware that any violation (s) violator
(s) of the claimants rights on the claim to all
derivatives of his or her given and family name as
stated herein are bound to the terms of this Self
Executing User Agreement retained by the claimant.
Please refer to complete notice posted here
Alternatively. PUBLIC NOTICE: All right reserved
regarding the name of John Edward Henry see