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 Copyright Name Publish Common law Documents

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    Item #1 – COPYRIGHT PUBLIC NOTICE $20 US/year


  Includes personalised form, encrypted ‘public’ posting, pdf printable file for notary, references to UCC-1 and (or PPSA for Canadians) Your own published web address on the net in the public registry in the form of [This is an unclickable sample link]. Your name in quotes as in “Mary Jane Smith” in the public notice will be searchable on the internet once the page is indexed.

Choose item #1 if you have your own version of a public notice or in combination with Items #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 below.



    Includes Creation of Public Notice, UCC-1 filing, personalized security agreement, indemnity bond, and complementary permanent UCC-1 filing not just 1-5 years, pdf printable file for notary, 5-year access to original pdf files -pass protected if requested.

    Approximately 20 pages. 

NOTE purchase item #1 [public posting of public notice] along with item #2

    ITEM#3 – PUBLIC NOTICE, SECURITY AGREEMENT & INDEMNITY -SPANISH VERSION $180 US with Spanish Translation and Procedures particular to Spain - $180 US ******************************

NOTE: purchase item #1 as well  [public posting]  along with item #3

    ITEM#4 – 2 Security Agreements & PUBLIC NOTICES – $250 US [English Version]

This is primarily for a husband and wife whose information is basically the same. **********************************

NOTE: purchase item #1 as well  [public posting]  along with item #3

    ITEM#5 – 2 Security Agreements & PUBLIC NOTICES with Spanish Translations – $310 US

NOTE: This is primarily for a husband and wife whose information is basically the same. 

Purchase item #1 as well [ public posting] along with item #5

NOTE: the content of forms are provided for your convenience and it is your responsibility to modify and instruct as you see fit.

   CHANGES or 1-3 Year Posting – $25-$75

Choose Changes or 1-3 Yr Option

NOTE: Post a ‘1 Page Document [that you provide]’ for one to three years 
OR Use this is to cover minor changes or addendums should you wish to add a change of address or a new family member to the UCC Filing. see terms here

    NOTE: the content of both Security Agreement and Copyright Public Posting forms are provided for your convenience only it is your responsibility to modify and instruct as you see fit. As an alternative to paypal which will accept major credit cards, one may also use which may be a cheaper alternative than western union.